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Date Stamps for ArcScene

12-11-2013 01:17 PM
Frequent Contributor
I was asked to find ways to present test well depth data, to help visualize the changes in water table over time.  I now have some pretty good looking time enabled maps in ArcScene 10.2 using a DEM, a hill shade. and extruding the well points with a (negative scaling constant * well depth).  I was thinking about trying a video capture of the time animation with the observer positioned below the ground surface,  but I haven't figured out how to show the current data frame time in a label in ArcScene like I have done in ArcMap:

These guys (  seem to have done it in ArcScene but can't get the date stamps to work with ArcCatalog data.
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Frequent Contributor
ESRI support confirmed that this is a bug or omission in ArcScene and ArcGlobe.

However, there may be a way to add dates later to the animation with something like iMovie as in this Tracking Analyst presentation:
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My latest idea on this is to download VLC media player and use VLC to video capture the whole ArcScene app running a time animation.  Then the current date is visible in ArcScene's time slider.  This would work to get current date displayed in Tracking Analyst as well.  Takes the whole video capture process out of the hands of ESRI products.
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