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Customizing the Legend

09-07-2011 01:41 PM
Emerging Contributor
I displayed my roads with the symbology, categories unique values, feature so that all the roads have a unique color asssociated to them. When I display it in the legend I get a huge list. I only want a few roads on my legend rather than all of them.

Example: I have 10 different state highways each with the same color red. In my legend I only want one red line that refers to all the state highways rather than ten red lines in the legend. I hope someone can help. Thanks.

Kimball Hansen
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
One thing you could try is duplicating your layer with the ten red roads, and then removing nine of them.  Then you've got a single item which you can customize and add to the legend.  This isn't the most correct way to do it, but it works in a pinch.
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Frequent Contributor
Within the symbology tab, select all 10 State highways, right click and select Group Values, they should now be grouped as 1 colour and as 1 entry in your legend.

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Emerging Contributor
Thanks a lot for the help. It was exactly what I needed.
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