Bit of a head scratcher here. I'm trying to configure a custom app url to invoke activity in Cityworks Mobile. I'm configuring the URL per Cityworks' documentation, and the link works if I open it in a browser on the mobile device. However, it does nothing in Collector, Field Maps, or Explorer. After some digging, I confirmed that it was configured correctly and passing all the correct information when I set up the popup in the map in Portal, but when that map is reloaded, the url is changed. The URL I setup is:
I suspect the link Collector, etc, see is the latter one, which would explain why it doesn't react like a link.
I have a similar link setup to connect to Survey123 in several maps, and I have not encountered this issue before. Is there some kind of setting that I'm missing on the Portal end to allow the Cityworks url to stick?
Edit: I've also discovered this is an issue in ArcGIS Online, so it's clearly not tied to my environment or to the Enterprise version.
Solved! Go to Solution.
We're on 10 something. But it doesn't work for me on regular AGOL either
@JCGuarneriI'm looking to get this integration going now between Field Maps and Cityworks. I have the arcade script you posted set up within the custom popup and I am able to click on the link and it routes me to the Cityworks app. However, it doesn't do anything once there. Is there a syntax out there for creating workorders based upon the asset that is selected in Field Maps? I've tried to look through Cityworks documentation but I haven't found anything.
You can find that here
It requires you to register and they manually approve you pretty quickly usually
Thank you! That is the exact document I've been looking for. Question for you, are you using the Cityworks app or the Trimble Unity Field app? We have both, slowly transitioning from the Cityworks app to the new Unity Field app. I was just wondering if that syntax would look different instead of "cityworksXX://createWorkActivity"?
I do not know that app. You can manage Work Orders in Trimble Unity? I'm curious now
We're fairly new to Cityworks and when our implementation was completed, we were given the chance to migrate over to Trimble Unity. Everything looks the exact same on the web side of things as far as managing work orders in admin / respond. There is a Unity Field mobile app that allows you to do all the same functionality as the Cityworks app does when it comes to work orders. Only difference I am seeing is that it needs to work from an offline map area. We're still using the Cityworks12 mobile app, but I just wanted to ask since I figured the syntax to trigger the new app would have a different link.
@m3 has you pointed in the right direction. Unfortunately, it's not a complete explanation and you'll need to do a little trial and error to get results. Opening existing items (WOs, Inspections) is pretty straightforward. Creating work activities takes some reading between the lines.
Yes, you need to know your own Cityworks environment, the entity type and what fields your Uids are in, but
I got this from them and didn't need to do much research beyond those two things I mentioned
Attached Water Hydrant Work Order in version 7 of the apps: