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Cropping a DEM

04-15-2014 09:25 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi All,

So I have a large DEM that I need to crop, however, when using the clipping tool it states that 'one or more dropped items were invalid and will not be added to the control'.

My DEM is a tif file. Anybody have any ideas on how to solve this. I am simply clipping to a shape file.

Much appreciated,
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6 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Can you tell me where this tool is?
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Emerging Contributor
No, i'm on Arcgis 10. So I have analysis tools - extract - clip. The same message comes up as before.
Thanks for your help by the way!
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Emerging Contributor
O wait, I found it but there is another problem message. Let me see if I can fix it and i'll get back you.
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Emerging Contributor
OK, the extract by polygon doesn't let me put the shape file in, so I tried the extract by rectangle and it seemed to load but afterwards nothing happened.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Sol,

So back to GIS this morning (not sure where you are in the world-i'm in the UK) I looked at the message and I don't think it finished etracting it. Trying again right now. My DEM is huge - 7GB, so will take a while to do, but thanks for your help.

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Deactivated User
Are you still struggling with this? Try the 'Extract by mask' tool. It will take a long time as it's such a big file.