We currently have an Enterprise SDE database (Oracle) that houses our GIS data. In the past we have simply created map/feature services off of this and consumed them in the AGOL world. Now we are implementing ArcGIS Enterprise Portal and have an ArcGIS Datastore Setup. We were wondering if it is possible to set something up to pull data out of our Oracle database and put it into the ArcGIS Datastore for consumption, so when these services are being consumed, it is not putting stress on our Enterprise database? These serveices can be Read-only, so we can update them from our Enterprise database periodically. So baiscally:
1. How can we make a copy of our Enterprise database data on ArcGIS Datastore
2. How can we update this data periodically to have a refresh?
3. Is this even a good practice/idea?
I have been attempting to export our Enterprise database data in smaller chucks out to File GDBs and then uploading them to the ArcGIS enterprise portal and publishing them, but when I attempt to script the overwrite, i get this error:
Perhaps there is a better way of doing this. Thanks.
ArcGIS Datastore does not support all the functionality that an Oracle Enterprise Geodatabase supports.
What is ArcGIS Data Store?—ArcGIS Enterprise | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
If using only simple featureclasses without any advanced geodatabase functionality then you can move the data to the Datastore when you publish the service with the option to copy the data to server, read more in the documentation. If you publish as a feature service, then you can edit the data using the service.
Data and publishing in ArcGIS Enterprise—Portal for ArcGIS | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
Thanks for the info Marcelo. I am able to publish simple feature classes into my datastore without issue, and this fine that it doesn't have the same advanced geodatabase functionality. Is there a way to automatically (script??) update this data on a regular basis though? So when my data changes in my Oracle Database, I can update it in my data store?
You will need to write a custom arcpy script or use ArcGIS Model Builder or ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension or Safe Software FME Workbench or FME Sever.
Does ESRI have any examples on how to do this? Example of how to set up this workflow? Txs
Hello @DarrylKlassen1,
As mentioned by @MarceloMarques, I also agree that there is no direct way to do this except a script or an FME Desktop/Server workbench. However, I do have some suggestions to add to this which are as follows including some considerations:
A possible suggested workflow: Use Python and Windows Task Scheduler
Requirements :
Update Feature Service
Use the ArcGIS API for Python (arcpy) to connect to your ArcGIS Server and feature service. You can use the arcpy.mapping.UpdateLayer method to update the feature service.
Overwrite Feature Service
If you are using ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, you can use the arcpy.mp.UpdateWebLayerSharing method to overwrite the existing feature service with the updated data.
Scheduling and Automation
You mentioned that you want this script to run at scheduled intervals. You can use scheduling tools such as Task Scheduler (on Windows) to run your Python script at specific times or intervals.
Logging and Error Handling
Implement proper logging and error handling in your script to track its execution and handle any issues that may arise.
Please note that the implementation details will depend on the specifics of your Oracle Database schema, how you want to detect changes, and how you have published your feature service. You may need to adapt the script to your organization's needs.
Additionally, you would also need to take following under consideration
Let me know if this clarifies things.
Hope if helps!