Hello World,
Based on the a related (1:M) table, Enterprise 10.9.1. I need to define the link to navigate to the source application.
So I do get X (based on available names) separate bullets with links. If I copy/paste the link it is working. But If I click it, to start it within the PopUp, it will open the current WebMap again.
Current result:
I do have a feeling that I still need the concatenate somehow, but I do not get it fit in properly. If I use it at the end, it will cluster the multiple links again.
var relatedtabel = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"XXXXX.SourceTable",["IDfield"]); console (relatedtabel) var related_results = []; for (var row in relatedtabel){ push(related_results,"FirstStaticPartOfTheLink" + row.IDfield + "SecondStaticPartOfTheLink"); } if(Count(related_results) == 0){ return "No Info" } var apple = slice(related_results); return apple;
Thank you in advanced.
@MikeMillerGIS , I am really sorry if tagging is considered rude. You did help me immensely with this question. Would you mind helping me one more time with this question?
Thank you for your response @MikeMillerGIS., Hereby the map with example data and the arcade expression.
It is content on AGO. Normally it should run on AGS Enterprise 10.9.1.