I've installed Portal for ArcGIS 10.5, I can't log into with my existing user ou create new one.
My user are store in my ldap. When I test the IdentityStore it keep saying that the test is succesfull. (e.g. https://.../portaladmin/security/config/testIdentityStore)
When I search user in my lddap with the https://.../portaladmin/security/users/getEnterpriseUser, I'm able to obtain the description of the user.
But when I try to connect with a User into Portal, I obtainb an error.
Here is the message in the log :
"Le fournisseur du magasin d'identités n'est pas initialisé. 'user' manquant dans les propriétés de configuration."
IdentityStore is not initialize User is missing in the configuration property.
Where do I need to put this information ?
Hi, I am also facing the similar issue. Do you have any solution? Thanks.