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Batch share features to feature services on Portal

04-29-2021 10:00 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi, I'm trying to figure out the best way to share a lot of layers to Portal.

My features are stored on an SDE inside feature datasets. I need the end URL to end up with the service URL matching the structure in the SDE and featuredatasets:

To do this I can go through any individual layer, share and choose to create a folder or select a folder with the name of my featuredataset name. That would work, but will take for ever.

Theres the batch publishing SDE from inside of Portal, if I use that functionality, it won't honor my feature dataset subdivision all my features will have the same URL only myFeatureServiceName will change.

I could create SDE's with the name of my feature datasets, but that would create a whole new situation, so I don't want to go there


Do you have any suggestions, or is just the long way?


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