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ArcGIS On line on my infrastructure

08-17-2015 12:13 PM
Deactivated User

I am working on a university research that imposes some constraints in the acquisition of software licenses. Basically, this means that I can't buy the ArcGIS online subscription. Thus, I have to buy a perpetual license.

Then, I would like to know if it is possible to have the same functionalities of the ArcGIS Online on my infrastructure purchasing the ArcGIS Server license.

For example, I need to provide to my users the following functionalities online (through the web browser, not desktop):

- Create feature layers, add data points, define custom fields.

- Add web layers to a map

- Perform watershed analysis

- Trace routes by rivers

In addition, I will have to develop some JavaScript code to customize the functionalities according to our needs.

I already contacted the Brazilian representative. However, while the community forum says (here) it is possible to do what I want with the ArcGIS Server + Portal for ArcGIS, the Brazilian representative says it is not possible, because the Portal for ArcGIS has an annual subscription.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

You might contact one of the United States ESRI offices to ask about licensing for Portal. The link below shows licensing for Portal available perpetually or through a fixed time period.

Pricing | ArcGIS for Server

The question about building ArcGIS Online functionality without Portal is interesting.

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Deactivated User

I contacted the USA ESRI that forwarded me to the Brazilian representative. They explained me that there is not a licensing model which allows the use of ARCGIS Portal perpetually. Therefore, the only way to have the ARCGIS online features on my server is to renew the ARCGIS Server license annually.

Sad to my research.

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