Hi Iestyn,
What you're asking for is straightforward, a couple of questions:
Would you want to show country borders or simply landmasses?
And out of interest, how are you going to handle locating all the islands?
Take a look at the attached.
You'll find a DXF file of the Americas projected to World Equidistant Cyclindrical.
The whole file takes me over the amount I can send thru the forum, if you send me your email address I'll try sending it from home.
I think the level of detail is sufficient for the size you're working to, let me know what you think.
I could also add a bounding box as a N-S guide for position if that would help.
Hi David , Thank you for your time ; detail is over and above what I require. I opened it in Adobe illustrator and then exported
it out into Coreldraw to create the attached PDF - obviously there appears to be a stretch occurring - am assuming this is
unintentional ? Have you got a global version ? e-mail is sales@blowzone.co.uk . Not sure about the relevance of your last comment
to my project. Would this work as a cut out for the project do you think ?
Kind Regards