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a good symbol for crosswalks? (polygon)

07-24-2013 08:22 AM
Deactivated User

..I'm not sure if this is trulky a forum-worthy question, but I haven't yet found a solution...

I am working on a map which has city crosswalks as a polygon feature.  The clients would really like the symbols to be something like the typical marking on a physical crosswalk - like a 'ladder' type design, where there are perpendicular lines connecting to the outer border of the length (or longer edge of the polygon)...

Most of the polygon symbols with cross hatching that I see in the ESRI stock symbol styles have lines that are parallel or perpendicular to the screen itself (or the map orientation)...This symbol I would like to use would keep the ladder like look described above, no matter the orientation of the crosswalk to the screen.

Does anyone know any symbols like this? I know I can create a symbol but I do not know how to create one that will hold to this condition.

Thanks, Jason
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6 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Very briefly (I'm in a rush!)

From 'Symbol Selector', 'Edit Symbol'

In 'Symbol Property Editor' build a multi-layer symbol, using 2 line symbols with a Hashed line symbol (set at 90 degrees) between them. A 4th layer can be a white background if desired.

Adjust Line Templates and Line/Properties (Offsets) on the layers to align into a ladder symbol, also adjust line widths etc

I'm sure the Arcmap Help will detail how to develop the multi-layer symbols

Hope this
a) meets your needs
b) is enough to get you started

Have fun,


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Deactivated User
Thanks! I'll look into that (if I can get somewhere with this I'll mark this as an answer)
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Deactivated User

well on first try, I am still getting the same result: the lines I add all stay at the same angle relative to the page instead of each feature.  I am hoping to find or make something that will consistently keep the 'ladder' lines perpendicular to the outline of the shape.  Maybe I missed something? Thanks for your suggestions.
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Honored Contributor
I've run into this as well.  I know you are using polygons but it would probably produce better results if you were to use lines.  Crosswalks are a part of the PavementMarkingLine feature class in the Local Government Information Model.
Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City
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Emerging Contributor
Sorry, in my haste I overlooked your comment about using polygon features. My solution was for a line symbol
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Does this exist for lines in ArcPro? I don't believe the local government information model is the standard anymore

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