Portal for ArcGIS in AWS Best Practice

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12-14-2023 10:17 AM
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New Contributor III

My understanding is if the name of the machine shown within the portaladmin/machines endpoints changes, the Portal for ArcGIS site will become unavailable. To prevent this issue from occurring, I've allocated and assigned an elastic IP address to the EC2 instances where I'm installing Portal for ArcGIS. 

On a RHEL 8x EC2 instance, following all of the steps in "If your portal machine has multiple network interface controller cards" section of this doc Installing Portal for ArcGIS—ArcGIS Enterprise | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise and step 7 in this doc: Deploy a base ArcGIS Enterprise portal on AWS—ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud | Documentation for Arc... results in site creation failure. I set the following:

  • Created hostname.properties file and added hostname=<elastic IP>
  • In hostidentifier.properties file, uncommented preferredidentifier=ip
  • In the hostidentifier.properties file uncommented and modified to hostidentifier=<elastic IP>

Which of these files are which specific properties need to be set to force the Portal for ArcGIS site to use the elastic IP address to prevent future issues caused my private IP address changes?

Thank you!

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11 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@TraeTimmerman - when I deployed an ArcGIS Enterprise Site using the AWS Cloud Formation Templates the ArcGIS WebAdaptors are configured with the Private IP Address for both Linux and Windows.

| Marcelo Marques | Principal Product Engineer | Esri |
| Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Certified Professional |
I work with Enterprise Geodatabases since 1997.
“ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov
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New Contributor III

Hey @MarceloMarques that's what I would expect. I'm just speaking to the fact that you have the option to register the machine with the Portal for ArcGIS site using the hostname instead of the private IP address (not speaking to web adaptors). On a Windows EC2 instance, the hostname will not change if the instance is restarted, so using the hostname shouldn't cause any issues. I realize Esri's recommendation is typically to use the private IP address.