We are looking to monitor ArcGIS Server (v10.7.1) on Azure using some of the built in Azure Monitor capabilities (e.g. Log Analytics, Alerts, Application Insights).
I've been looking at ingesting the ArcGIS Server logs and trying to follow what's in the following Esri presentation, but our ArcGIS Server was not installed with cloud builder and has logs that are in xml format, not csv format as describe in the presentation.
ArcGIS Enterprise: Cloud Operations using Microsoft Azure
So questions are:
1) Is it possible to ingest traditional xml-based server logs using Log Analytics?
2) Is it possible to change the ArcGIS Server logging to csv - how is cloud builder different?
3) Does anyone have any other advice/recommendations regarding monitoring ArcGIS Server in Azure?
Any assistance much appreciated, as there seems to be a disconnect between the Microsoft Azure documentation and what is possible with ArcGIS Server.
Hi @parksh - no we didn't. However, we are just starting to look at this again in more detail in the coming months, so will post any findings here.