Any time I try to deploy a new site (with ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder 10.8.1 for Microsoft Azure), I get the following error message:
Operation Failed. Error Details:
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\tkennedy\AppData\Local\Temp\6c6bae7421d847348a6a51f97f24fac6\AGBaseproperties.json'.
at ESRI.ArcGIS.Azure.IaaS.Jobs.DeploySiteWithAutomationAGJob.<StartJobAsync>d__14.MoveNext()
The Temp\6c9bae7421d847348a6a51f97f24fac6 folder appears to get created with every deployment so I can't even pre-populate it with the appropriate json files. It appears to occur no matter what options I choose. Has anyone encountered this before?
I had the same issue as the OP. After trying many of the tricks above, I found that when I finally created a new storage account within the same resource group, I was able to finally get CloudBuilder to fully install without errors. Upon reviewing the old storage logs, there were references back to the hard drive directory mentioned above with locks. This was mainly caused from installing a new version in the same resource group and reusing the storage account.