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Using Reconcile & Post With Subset Data

06-06-2018 08:12 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I recently reached out to the community for help concerning reconcile & post solutions using just subset data from a child version of the Default. For our Organization, we created a child version called GIS which is directly underneath the Default version. With this child version we have all of our published web maps established for our operators to input data when they're out in the field using Collector. 

To my knowledge, and to the ESRI representative who responded to my post, we're unaware of a solution to only grabbing a subset of data, reviewing it, and then publish it to Default. The reconcile & post tool is great but it's not necessary to pull the entire feature layers data at once.  

I'm just surprised there's no solution to grabbing a subset of data, reviewing it, and then publish it to default. It seems like there's no checks and balances. In my mind being able to reconcile & post subset data is a logical solution because we have 15+ operators that are using the same child version data.

Original Post -

ArcMap 10.6 Reconcile & Post certain features for layers 


Same question. And this could have been implemented at ArcINFO in the 80s. The concept will never change.  

Two things spring to mind. One is how to deal with conflicts between children, i.e. who is "right". The way it assumes the most recent editor is correct is not always going to be true.  So a way to view Differences among children, before posting up to parent or Default, would be key.

Second, is how a child version overwrites all data in the parent. So if you have multiple children, how can you have it only update things that changed in the child?  Let's say we have child 1 and 2. I post child 1.  They change Hydrants A and B.  Child 2 changes Hydrants 5 and 6.  So after posting Child 2; the Hydrants 5 and 6 will post just fine.  But 1 and 2 will be overwritten with the old data.  I thought well, if I add a field and there was some way to filter the Posting by a field and I could field calculate or use attribute rules to set things as 'synced' or something, to denote they were Posted that week, then I could filter those records out to NOT get Posted; so only new Child 2 data (Hydrants 5 and 6) would Post.  But ... I don't think that's possible? 


Am I missing something? Now that I have begun to experiment with versioning, I am left feeling like this can't be right.  

I am testing with Traditional versioning. 10.9.1.  Maybe this selective Posting thing has been implemented in Branch versioning? 


same question


Did you ever find an answer @JordanMiller4 ?


Cross posting..  I am also wondering, how to protect overwriting data from one child to another child.  If Child 1 has hydrants has updated attributes in A and B.  Child 2 has updated attributes in two other Hydrants, C and D.  So, two completely different features.  If I post child 1 and then child 2; won't the A and B data from child 1 get overwritten with the old data from the last time the parent was posted back down to the child 2; and then posted back up from child 2?  How can updates from child 1 be protected or marked as 'approved'?  I was thinking, if there was a field you could set to 'approved' or something; you could filter the Posting to only post to rows where the field was null.  But apparently.. no?  It seems like the answers here are separate people work on separate layers or geographic areas of a layer.   I do see a Conflict Filter tool in the Version toolbox I will experiment with; hopefully it can also completely stop certain Children from Posting to some featureclasses altogether.