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Using Arcade to configure popups for overlapping polygons/points

05-26-2021 02:11 PM
Status: Open
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

IDEA: The potential for Arcade to be used to configure popups in a more user-friendly way for a feature service that has overlapping/stacked points or polygons.

For example, as of now (May 2021) the default popup that comes up when a user clicks a stacked polygon in a map on AGOL or Portal (see red circle in screenshot below) shows attribute information for ONLY the top selected polygon, and then the user has to manually click through the arrow on the popup window to see info about the other (lower) entities.

It would be great if it was possible via Arcade to, when clicking on a part of the map that has multiple stacked polygons, show all selected entities in the popup as the default in a way that didn't require manually clicking through the popup and therefore in both a more user-friendly and intuitive way.

When clicking on this (red circled) area of the map, the user is clicking on two overlapping polygons. However, the popup only displays the top polygon.When clicking on this (red circled) area of the map, the user is clicking on two overlapping polygons. However, the popup only displays the top polygon. Tiny arrow in popup is easy for users to miss, and yet critical for users to click in order to see all information for stacked entities.Tiny arrow in popup is easy for users to miss, and yet critical for users to click in order to see all information for stacked entities.

Tags (2)

I like the way the popup displays for related records, or for multiple features in the Select tool, where it presents the list of features, and users can click on each. Would love to see something like that, and I agree, the little arrow is one of our greatest hits in help calls from the public about our viewers.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Thanks for submitting this idea @Anonymous User Since this was submitted in the ArcGIS Pro idea exchange, yet seems to refer entirely to ArcGIS Online and (ArcGIS Enterprise) Portal, I wanted to check to see if you meant to submit it in one of those idea exchanges.

The experience you're describing is shown here from ArcGIS Online: 



In ArcGIS Pro, opening a pop-up for overlapping features has a tree view rather than the arrow experience you're describing...



by Anonymous User

I did mean to submit to Enterprise or Portal exchange...should I delete and repost?


No need - I can move it, but I just wanted to clarify your intent before doing so. Thank you!

Status changed to: Open

I've moved this post into the ArcGIS Enterprise Idea Exchange, and set the status back to Open. Thank you for posting this idea!


This would be a great update.  

A couple of points.  Map services  and Feature services.

The create map tool in the WebApp builder  needs to be  updated for overlapping polygons as well. 

Currently, a temporary, agreed clunky workaround, I keep a hidden layer that is a merge of all the feature classes and use that for the popups.

In the ArcIMS days, there was a drill-down tool identify that would return all the polygons on the click event in a single list. 

by Anonymous User

@SteveLewis I've used the same workaround, created a merged non-symbolized layer for web popups, after manually creating intersects of overlapping polygons. A pretty clunky solution, but it works! Would certainly be nice if popups were more customizable to streamline this workflow.