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Specify Time Zone option for Editor Tracking

03-26-2014 03:56 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor
Since we can not use 'database time' for Editor Tracking in web services, there should be an option to set the Time Zone instead of, o in addition to, a generic UTC for editor tracking.
Or at least make the error "00129: <value> Editor Tracking dates in database time zone" a warning only.

I 100% understand Esris' rationale but in many cases users only work in one time zone and its standard to record date/time in local database time and not UTC.
by Anonymous User
100% agree with previous posts --- Just to make the simple DB setting change to use UTC time, I have to update every 'Creation' and 'Modification' date captured to match UTC time. Otherwise I'll have DB times mixed with times being recorded with UTC...not ideal for those that have queries using these dates. This is no small task and it is quite time consuming - even with a script doing the work.

All of the update work could have been avoided if I could have had the option to choose UTC and a time zone.