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Set and persist order of basemaps

08-16-2022 03:06 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

In both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise we use a combination of custom basemaps and Esri basemaps.  For custom basemap we must share them to a group and then designate that group as the basemap gallery group.  However, the only options for ordering the maps are: owner, title, date modified and View count.

We would like to manually set the order of the basemaps in the gallery and have that order persist. And have the Esri basemaps listed after the items in the local basemap gallery group.

We try to order it by date modified descending and then modify the basemap items in order to set the order, but the problem is the Esri basemaps are getting modified all the time so usually within a day the Esri basemaps are jumbled up with our basemaps, and the result is that every day the order of basemaps in the basemap gallery of map viewer and applications is different and seemingly random.

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