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Row feature level security is needed

03-03-2014 09:19 AM
Status: Open
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Date entered: 2003 Note: For cross reference, this issue was originally logged as OldNo=233 and later as ID=902003 UCKeith Ryden: This is a very difficult issue, as there are possible problematic side-effects of restricting visibility of parts of geometry especially when that geometry participates in complex relationships.  ArcGIS Server may be the place where these types of issues could be addressed.  2007 PUG ESRI has a [ white paper] on this. With 9.2 this can be done with simple features with read-only and without versioning. There are still many issues with doing this when it comes to versioning, relationships or topology. The best solution is probably the use of Web services, where each service can have specific restrictions.2011 PUG Craig Gilgrass: Row level security is already supported. There is a white paper, search on "security". There are lots of caveats. From the audience there was a request for it to include support for Active Directory. Clients wish to avoid having to do identity management in multiple systems.  Submitted by Marc VanNes-Shell
1 Comment
by Anonymous User
 Pug Idea List 2014:  Craig Gillgrass, ESRI Lead
From Craig in 2013: Row level security is already supported. There is a white paper, search on "security". There are lots of caveats. Tentatively Closed.