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Provide more details in the ArcGIS Server Manager logs when a print service task is run.

07-11-2023 05:35 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

When a print service task is run, the most detailed information from the ArcGIS Server logs is that the REST request was successfully processed.

To improve troubleshooting, this ArcGIS Idea proposes that the logs available on ArcGIS Server Manager include details of the layers sent to the print service task, as well as information on whether they were successfully printed. Currently, if there is a problem with the printed map that does not result in an error (red exclamation mark), the user does not have any information as to what went wrong.

Sometimes it is necessary to troubleshoot a print service despite no error message being recieved. For example, a map with secure services is printed from the Portal, but only the basemap shows up on the print result. Despite the print result not including all map layers, there is no indication in the server logs that any error occurred. No additional information is given when the query level is set to 'Debug' or 'Verbose'. The message for query level 'Fine' is that the REST request was successfully processed, which is in actual fact was not.
