Need a new ReportServer Server Object (like MapServer) to enable creating map reports

06-03-2010 08:31 AM
Status: Closed
Deactivated User

 Currently, ArcGIS Server has MapService, GPService, GeometryService etc. It will be very useful to create another server object type (maybe called ReportService) that helps create map reports. 

1. Needs to be RESTful
2. Takes a list of base map URLs for the report
3. Takes a query for every layer in a map service (like layer definition). Overlays the filtered layers on the base maps
4. Takes Extent of the map in the report.
5. Takes output format requirements like PDF/PNG/JPG etc
6. Takes resolution needed
7. Takes info on if legend is needed and legend placement. Other info might be needed here. But can elaboate if idea gets popular or gets picked up.

Ideas goal to be able to perform reporting like in the SQL Server R2 Reporting Services described here.!42E1F70205EC8A96!12472.entry

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This great idea should probably be merged with this idea on SSRS .  This is a huge need, better server side reporting tools for ArcGIS based map services.  

Hello vish‌, this idea has been around for a while, but it's a good submission and I'm curious to know some more about the use cases for a service type like this. I'd also like to know if, since the Idea was posted, you have found an alternative solution to integrate maps into your reporting. Please feel free to reach out privately or reply on this thread.

Status changed to: Closed

This is not in our current product plan.  If you are still interested in this, please respond and include more information regarding your specific workflow.  Thank you!