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Lockout lasts for 15 minutes, Add Unlock Function

10-16-2020 08:06 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

In ArcGIS Portal when users login several times in a matter of a few minutes (in a testing scenario) or logging in with the wrong password 5 times, 15 minute lockout occurs.  There is no unlock function to unlock the user if you are needing the user unlocked.  Please add capability for administrators only.


It'd be nice to have at least some control over how the lockouts work.  For example, I'd like to set the max number of failed logins to five because it's at three right now.  That is way too easy to fail especially if users are trying to login with a mobile device.

by MVP Regular Contributor

Would also like this. The amount of times I unlock windows account is crazy, now imagine that with GIS. Waiting when trying to train can be frustrating. Lock outs happen quite often on mobile devices. 


We upgraded to enterprise 11.1 and it's in there now!  They are actually listening to what we say here 🙂

Thank You!!!




Ok, adding the ability to raise/lower the attempts and lockout duration is nice, but I need an "Unlock User ID" option.  Our cellular internet coverage is spotty, and add to that the fact field maps doesn't have a "show password" option.  We have users quite regularly lock themselves out and 15minutes is just way too long.


Agreed - the ability to lift a password lockout on a user is what I'm really looking for here. The customization scheme for these lockouts is pretty limited as it is, and changing these settings aren't going to help me when an inspector comes into my office telling me that they are locked out after 5 logins and want their account unlocked asap.


@Marc_Patti -- totally understand the asap part.  It's hard to get GIS "buy-in" sometimes because if they're locked out like that, and I can't unlock it quickly, they'll end up doing what they need to do using another method (**gasp** CAD drawings or paper maps).  The next time they might not even try using the GIS apps.


It would be really helpful if the lockout can be disabled entirely. We’re using ArcGIS Pro in teaching and the amount of headaches these lockouts cause when working with undergraduates is significant. 
it would also be super helpful to automate password resets. But I’m not holding my breath on these request because ESRI is not really interested in making their product more efficient for its users.