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Integrate PatchFinder in "About" Help menu

01-14-2011 02:51 PM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor
 PatchFinder is currently a standalone, small executable that translates the build number into human readable information.

For example in ArcGIS Desktop 10, selecting "Help," and "About ArcMap" displays "Build 2800."  
Running a separate tool, Patch finder displays, "Desktop 10, SP1, French SP 1," and "Tutorial Data."

Since the average user doesn't memorize build numbers, or know the super secret squirrel decoder numbers, it would be very helpful if there was a button (or similar) next to the build number that would automatically run PatchFinder.  Adding the utility should be only 600k (if it's not already hidden somewhere), and so the overall footprint isn't impacted a great deal.

So in effect, the user selects Help, and About, and then can see in a single click additional, useful information that we can reasonably assume they will want to see at some point in time.
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This has been done for ArcGIS Pro: