Enterprise/Online new map viewer - allow popups from hidden layers, allow legend from hidden layers

12-02-2022 01:31 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

I'm working with large vector datasets and love the performance of vector tiles, and the fact that you can use the associated feature service for pop-ups in Pro, but would like to be able to do exactly the same in the new map viewer in Enterprise. I think it's on the road map, but as an alternative, and possibly as a good addition anyway, it would perhaps be good if you could configure a hidden layer to show its popups, and legend - this would allow the user to click on the map and see the attributes from the feature service for the feature they've clicked on in the vector tile, and show the legend for the feature service (or map image service), without the overhead of actually having to display it in the browser.

If there's a way of doing what I'm suggesting already, I'd be grateful for a pointer.