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Collaborative Categories

11-09-2020 10:44 AM
Frequent Contributor

When setting up a collaboration, add option to collaborate categories within the group and workspace.

by Anonymous User
by Anonymous User

Hi @LukeSavage, thanks for submitting this post! We were curious about your setup:

- How many participants are in the collaboration? What types of items are shared?

- Is the collaboration between ArcGIS Enterprise organizations and/or with ArcGIS Online?

- Are the content category lists (the schema) the same across all organizations?

- If the content category lists are different, would you expect sharing an item via collaboration would create that category or just share the item without it?

- Say an item is shared that is assigned a category "rivers" and the recipient of the item deletes their category "rivers" - would you expect that re-syncing the content from the sender would add this category back?

Thanks! This will be helpful as we look into this enhancement. Feel free to direct message me if you prefer, or reach out if any of these qs are unclear.


1. Sorry, I'm trying to figure out the question to the request.  Group Categories are a way to organize content with a name like (water, sewer...) within a Group.  Any item that is labeled within a Group as said category should share those same attributes in the collaboration.

2. Any scenario that is supported by the ArcGIS Platform currently.  Portal to Portal, ArcGIS Online to Portal.

3. Collaboration 'receive only' pushes parent to guest.  This one is easy as the group guest should be a copy of the parent.  However, 'Send and Receive' can send it both ways so why not synchronize both ways like a two way sync?

4. Depends how you set it up.  Receive only should force from parent to guest.  In my opinion, Send and Receive should overwrite based on the parent org or have a way to perform conflict resolution which is a bit trickier to do on the web but not impossible using datastore.  However, the guest should have the option to update and send to the parent.  Parent would be the glue though.

5. Item 4 above covers this inquiry. If not, I can add if needed.

Additional info:  we are currently using models to collaborate between portals and would like to categorize them across both portals from the parent.  However, I want to expand this capability in other scenarios as well so as soon as the enhancement is deployed we'll be implementing many types of collaborative engagements.  I wanted to use notebooks to collaborate but notebooks are currently unsupported in a collaboration.  Thank you for the consideration.  


1. Group collaboration categories.

2. Whatever is currently supported within the ArcGIS Platform for collaborations.  Portal to Portal, ArcGIS Online to Portal.

3. Depends on the deployment but currently yes.  I feel it should have the capability to sync across collaborations in a 'send and receive' scenario.

4. Category within either group would be created in a 'send and receive' scenario.  'Receive only' or 'Send only' would only sync from directional categories.

5. In a 'send and receive' workspace, parent collaborator should be the 'king on the mountain' when deciding category names and content associated to the category within the group but guest has the ability to change and sync back to parent.  In a 'send only' or 'receive only' scenario, categories could be sync'd based on direction of the from sync.

Additional info: Currently using collaboration in a portal to portal workspace transporting models.  We want to use notebooks to collaborate but is an unsupported item currently.  We are planning to start using collaborations more in the future using various scenarios.