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Better support for Group layer map services in Portal for ArcGIS

06-23-2014 08:25 AM
Status: Open
Deactivated User
When deploying Portal for ArcGIS, most users commonly club similar layers into a group layer that is then published out as a Map Service Portal Item - these layers belong together. 
However, the behaviour of these individual sub-layers vs. the entire group is very erratic

For this example - My map service is called Hydrography  which looks like this when added to a web map in Portal


The dropdown for the parent Hydrography has the following options that are not available in any of the children. They should also be present for the children

1. Zoom to
2. Transparency
3. Set Visibility Range
4. Rename

It will also be useful to have a Enable All Popups option at this level which would enable popups for every layer and then the user could disable the ones they want - so if i have 11 sub-layers under Hyrdorgaphy and want popups for 9 of them, i only need to disable for 2, instead of enable one by one for 9.

For each fo the children (like Water Areas), the Show table and Filter are very useful but in addition to the four missing above, another critical one missing is Change Symbols.

Now, if I was to see the service details of Water Areas, copy the URL to the rest end point of that layer and then re-add it to my web map as a layer from the web, I can now see the Change Symbols option - this is ridiculously clunky





As you can see there are three different context menus available for these layers and sub-layers depending on where they are in hierarchy and whether they are added by simply searching for them in Portal or if they are added as a rest end point directly. This is very confusing for our end users