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ArcGIS Server 10.7.1: A tool to get the number of concurrent users of map services,

09-17-2020 10:20 PM
Status: Open
Legendary Contributor

ArcGIS Server 10.7.1: A tool to get the number of concurrent users of map services,


It would be nice if we get a tool that counts the number concurrent users of a map service (or all map services).


Google Analytics provide good tools to count the number of all users and concurrent users for a particular site but not sure how to count the number of concurrent users of esri map services.

1 Comment

Given that RESTful services are stateless, adding something akin to a session makes the services stateful, which defeats one of the reasons for using REST in the first place.

When users are logging in and consuming services through the Web Adaptor, it is fairly straight forward to use the IIS logs and some approximate definition of concurrency, e.g., all users and transactions in the last 5 minutes, to come up with an idea of "concurrent users."  For most organizations, especially with stand-alone ArcGIS Servers, services are consumed anonymously so that makes it difficult to use such an approach.