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ArcGIS REST API Query preview

07-05-2023 10:19 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

It would be great to quickly see the results of a REST API query on a map without leaving the query operation page (https://<server-name>/arcgis/rest/services/<service-name>/MapServer/10/query?where=...).  This would preovide visual validation that your query is returning the correct data.  Clicking on the "Map Preview" button would load a small, lightweight, JS map viewer with the selected features highlighted on the map or it could load the selected features in ArcGIS Online with a default basemap:


Do you think this would be useful?  Is there a simpler way to do this?  In the past I have returned the query results as KMZ and viewed the result in Google Earth or ArcGIS Earth but that can be slow.



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