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An "Archived" badge like "Authoritative" and "Deprecated"

a month ago
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

From a data governance and data discovery standpoint it would be useful to have a badge to apply to layers and items similar to the "Authoritative" and "Deprecated" badges currently implemented. Something like this terrible markup:

This would be helpful to alert users to the fact that they are using data that is older, but still valid for a particular time period. For example, if you wanted to find roads data from 1993 it could be marked "Archived" and then users would be less likely to use out-of-date data in their projects and analysis.


My understanding is that deprecated means obsolete which does not necessarily mean that it is not authoritative but there is something newer that you should be using.

Now what would be really cool is linking items that are related by this flag. For example, a 2024 parcel layer would be marked Authoritative but if you click on the Authoritative flag you get a list of all related but deprecated parcel layers for 2023, 2022, and so on. Then the reverse could be true for the 2022 parcel layer. Click on the Deprecated flag and see all the other related layers with the Authoritative layer at the top.

Maybe a third flag would help. Something like "Under Development", "Experimental", "Under Review", or something along those lines?


Absolutely. Although in our practices "deprecated" usually means that we will be retiring the item/data and a better dataset exists (newer, better, tastier, whatever). I love the idea of being able to drill down on these flags, although you can over on the left when browsing items/data:


We would make really heavy use of a set of flags indicating "Test", "Under development" and "Production" as we're trying to get our user base to consider changing practices to stop doing test-in-production sorts of work!