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Allow User to Configure Size of Supertile for Cached Mapservices

07-22-2010 06:48 AM
Status: Closed
Esteemed Contributor
Create a configuration variable in the Caching Process, that allows the user to determine the size of the supertile to render.  In this way the user could determine the largest item and create the supertile based on the size of this item.

My organization tried to use a cached mapservice which included parcels, but there were 100s if not 1000s of duplicate labels.  It seems like this could have been prevented, if the supertile could have been enlarged to encompass the largest parcel in this layer (or at least signicantly larger than the existing supertile to drastically reduce the duplicate labeling).

The workaround to this is the creation of annotation which would change when the parcels change, so it would need to be updated on a weekly basis.  It seems a configurable supertile size would solve this problem.
Tags (1)
Have you considered using feature-linked annotation?  That way, when the attributes of the parcel change, the annotation would be updated, too.
Status changed to: Closed

There have been many advancements in caching since this was originally logged.  If you have any further ideas for us, please let us know!