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AGOL & Portal Basemaps should be interchangeable between platforms

11-21-2019 02:12 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

We as an organization implemented Portal to be used internally and will use AGOL for any Public facing web maps/apps using a collaboration between AGOL and Portal.  Our internal production GIS environment does not allow access to outside sites, like AGOL.  We have copied the basemaps from AGOL to be accessible in our Portal environment, so that we can create web maps/apps, etc.  When we tried to set up a collaboration with AGOL from Portal, the web map/app threw an error because the basemap was referenced from Portal.  

Enhancement request - depending on the platform being utilized (AGOL or Portal) the basemap URL's change automatically.  

1 Comment

Hi Chad Foster‌ - Thank you for posting this idea. I'll follow up with you in a DM for some more details on this error which you are encountering.