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AGOL create Groups between organizations

07-21-2014 01:08 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Two or more organizations to make public and private groups. share information and to all functions that tool


Thanks for submitting this idea!

Can you provide some additional examples of what you are looking to accomplish when collaborating between departments? Currently, it is possible to invite users from other organizations to view and share content.



Hi Kelly,

This idea for groups or something similar should allow an AGOL organization such as the City of Clovis:

·        To invite another agency’s AGOL organization in one step to share/collaborate with our County of Fresno’s AGOL

·        To share/collaborate with the City of Fresno’s AGOL

·        Same for other cities in our region without having to one-off invite & maintain every agency employee.

·        It should not eat up named users either.

·        It would allow us to share without having to make items public/everyone.

·        Include options to configure multiple SAML/Active Directory Federated Services to allow the authentication & authorization.

·        An example is standing up an application for our inter agency group to use that includes searching for names & address of property owners. Allowing this on the open/public is prohibited for us by the State of California to protect law enforcement, judges, etc.

·        Another example could be a federal or state agency standing up similar applications that all law enforcement, emergency responders could access easily without making it public to everyone.
