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Add scale as a display filter for hosted view layers

08-11-2022 04:48 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

In ArcGIS Pro, you can set display filters to "By scale" for layers being symbolized by unique values. You can group specific types and have those only display at or between specific scales. For feature class like roadways, this is incredibly useful for displaying on maps.

If you publish a layer to an ArcGIS server, the published feature service will honor the display filter set in ArcGIS Pro, to include filters by scale. But a hosted feature layer was not published with any display filters, and you create a view layer from that hosted feature layer, you cannot add a display filter that include scale as an option. You can set the entire view layer to be visible at specific scales, or you can publish multiple view layers, each with only the feature classes that you want and scaled as desired; but neither of these are optimal, and can cause layer clutter and/or confusion in web maps. I have even tried editing the view layer JSON to add "scale" as a filterMode property, and added multiple scale options; but alas, this did not work. Interestingly enough, it didn't break the view layer either, the view layer just ignored the filter object in the JSON code.

It would be great if we could just perform a "By scale" filter in the view layer itself. This would add a lot of value to storing layers as hosted feature layers.