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Add option to require Multifactor Authentication

11-30-2018 11:50 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

We configured AGOL to authenticate against our Active Directory using SAML.  Enterprise logins use MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) when logging into our AGOL organization from off-network devices.  No problem there.  However, we would like to require MFA for any ArcGIS login in our organization.

Currently, under the site security settings, you can allow ArcGIS login users to choose to use MFA.  We would like the site administrator to have the option to require these users to use MFA when logging in.


Interested in this as well - and was curious if anyone found a way / if possible to enable required MFA for users using the REST API?


We are interested in the same thing. Is there a work around?


Admins should be able to activate MFA for built-in users in portal for ArcGIS. No user is gonna activate it and keep it activatred if not forced to. I´m also wondering if there is a solution to this, can´t find anything and we have a few users that can´t be added any other way.