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Add Full-text index functionality for layer based feature searches for *Enterprise* hosted layers.

08-23-2023 11:35 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

This is necessary in order for the search widgets to find words *contained in a populated field.  According to documentation, this functionality is available in ArcGIS Online already, but hasn't yet been integrated into Enterprise.  As such, it leaves the search widgets in our apps quite limited in their usefulness.  If a user is searching a map Dr. John Doe, they will most likely be searching for the name Doe, and may not even know Dr. Doe's first name.  If the field is populated with John Doe, the widget will currently fail to find him.  I imagine this functionality would be valuable across the board for those running enterprise apps.


This does seem to work if you go into the Map item's settings and configure the search options there. I'm able to set a map to search by an arbitrary field and specify a "contains" behavior, so I could search for all Does and find them regardless of first name or title.


@jcarlson  Thank you for your reply.  I have tried that solution, and unfortunately it didn't seem to make a difference.  I then contacted ESRI support, who informed me that the functionality is available with ArcGIS Online, but not with Enterprise yet.  Are you using ArcGIS Online or Enterprise?  If you have gotten this working in Enterprise 11.1, I'd love to know what I'm missing.


@JDenhamEnterprise, and it's something we've been using since 2019.


@jcarlson That is interesting.  Are you able to do this with the Web App Builder search widget or ExB?  We are currently running Web App Builder applications only, so this needs to work in the WAB Search widget.  Were there any other configuration items required in addition to the Web Map settings you mentioned above?  Do I need to do anything with the data itself?


@JDenham  not that I'm aware of. Configured it in the web map settings, pulled the map into WAB, and it works:
