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Add an option to exclude tile caches from WebGisDr Portal backups

11-29-2023 01:12 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

The WebGisDr utility provides excellent options for backing up a portal. Unfortunately, if servers that have cached tile services are federated to the portal, there is no way to exclude the tile caches from being included in the portal backup. Considering that tile caches can be quite large, this limitation can prevent portal backups from being feasible. Because tile caches are strictly file based and are typically quite static, it is very easy to back these up via simple file backup routines, making their inclusion in portal backups unnecessary under most circumstances.

1 Comment

I submitted a support ticket for this issue & was advised to use the "export_site" command via one of the APIs. After researching the API options (REST vs Python), I settled on using the ArcGIS API for Python, which is working quite well. Here's the reference:

I did ask the support specialist to put in a request to enhance the WebGisDr documentation to include clear information about available alternatives. If the documentation had included information about alternatives, I probably would not have needed to tie up any time with Esri Support. The support specialist responded with the following to that request:

As for your request, I don't believe this would fall under the umbrella of being a defect or a software enhancement, so there isn't anything official I can submit through our Support case. The best method would be to post, as you mentioned, on ArcGIS Enterprise Ideas or share your experience and solution on Esri Community. With community involvement and Esri developers reviewing these posts, I think this would give us the best chance at seeing a change made in the future.