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Ability to deploy third-party Python 3 packages to ArcGIS Server on Linux

08-23-2021 02:57 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Make it possible to deploy third-party Python 3 packages to ArcGIS Enterprise/Server running on Linux. The ability is present on Windows so it should also be present on Linux operating systems.

Support for Python 2.7 has ended some time ago and ArcMap is being deprecated in favor or ArcGIS Pro, which uses Python 3. Soon Linux users will lose the ability to write geoprocessing services in Python that utilize packages that are not included in the default ArcGIS Python environment.  In our case that time has already come and we cannot go back to Python 2.7 and cannot move forward with Python 3 as Windows users can.

There is apparently a strong interest to this topic if the number of views of my question to the community is an indication. To seriously support Linux as an operating system for ArcGIS Enterprise, this ability is a must.