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Elevation / Surface info from ArcGIS Earth

06-25-2016 12:13 AM
Deactivated User

Is it possible to export / extract Elevation or Surface information from Arc GIS Earth in any format? If yes , how?


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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus

the measurements procedure is covered in the help files for Earth

Guided tour—ArcGIS Earth | ArcGIS

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Deactivated User

Thanks for a very quick response.

My interest is to extract a 3D Surface of a chosen polygon. Is that possible?

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MVP Emeritus

If it isn't listed in the link, then it is not possible.  You need a full DEM and ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro for those types of things.  Earth is not designed for the heavy lifting.

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Deactivated User

Thanks again.

I have ArcGIS Desktop trial version. Is it possible to extract a DEM or 3D

Surface there? How?

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MVP Emeritus

You need a DEM.  You will have to source that yourself.  Many governments provide suitable data for free.  Dr Google is your best guide.

This link will provide you with an overview 3D GIS | ArcGIS for Desktop but any of this assumes some familiarity with ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.  If you have the skills and the data, then it is a realitively simple task.