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Secure WFS Access in ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Earth via Windows Certificate Store

02-13-2019 07:08 AM
Status: Implemented
Frequent Contributor

I work in an enterprise that relies almost exclusively on certificates (PKI) for service access.  Currently ArcGIS Pro only supports simple username/password, or unauthenticated WFS connections (and I'm not sure Earth supports WFS at all).  I need ArcGIS Pro (and ArcGIS Earth) to support fetching a user's digital signing certs from the Windows certificate store, and pass that for authentication to https protected WFS endpoints.  This would also ensure a common capability across OGC web service handling for ArcGIS Pro, since client certificate handling is already nicely implemented in Portal connections and ArcGIS REST services.  Thanks for considering!

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Status changed to: Implemented