I am running Windows 10 and running ArcMap Desktop Single Use Advanced 10.3.1. When opening Desktop, I now get a "serious application error notice". I called tech support and they sent me to this document http://support.esri.com/es/knowledgebase/techarticles/detail/38394 but it was not helpful. Has anyone else had luck solving this issue?
Please help! I need to get some work done.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Olivia,
Thanks for looking into it. If you've deauthorized/ reauthorized and there's no option to repair your license, it's not sounding like a corrupt license issue, but we can absolutely investigate and find out how far along in the launch process ArcMap is making it by grabbing a log file:
Attach the log to your reply and I'll take a look at it, to see if we can't pin down why the crash is happening.
Thanks again!
Hi Kirsten,
I am having the same issues as Olivia, I captured the log:
Initializing license...done
Parsed command line
Creating App...
Processing shell command...
Creating New Document...
Opening normal template...done...
Loading printer information...done...
New VBA project...done...
Add first mapDone creating New Document
Loading extensions...done
Startup complete
Any help would be appreciated. I am considering downgrading my laptop to windows 7 or 8 if I can't resolve this soon.
Solved this thanks to ESRI support. None of the other fixes discussed online helped my case. My issue was due to a bug in Python 2.7.11, this solved it immediately:
Start Registry Editor
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > WOW6432Node > Python > PythonCore > 2.7
Change the name of 2.7 to 2.7-32
Glad you got things sorted.
That is issue of Esri support KB 45924 (Python bug#25824) which begs the question, how did you end up with Python 2.7.11 installed over your ArcGIS for Desktop install?
What else did you install, or how had you modified your ArcGIS installation to end up with the Python 2.7.11 naming glitch?
Interesting side bar might be the impact, if any, when the Python 2.7.8 based 64-bit background geoprocessing extension is installed.
I had python (not sure the version) installed before installing ArcGIS which may have caused issues. I did not modify the ArcGIS installation at all.
This fixed it for me, too, thanks. I had installed another instance of Python 2.7 after ArcGIS, which seems to have overridden the version installed with ArcGIS rather than existing alongside it.