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Interoperability tool won't work with ArcMap 10.4

03-02-2016 03:03 AM
Frequent Contributor

There is a reproducible error with ArcGIS_Data_Interop_Ext_for Desktop_104_149425.

With a running ArcMap before the installation of the Interoperability tool I cannot start ArcMap any longer when the package, mentioned above, is installed. As soon as the extension is uninstalled, ArcMap starts again.

That is on Windows 7 Enterprise SP1

Cheers Thomas

- We are living in the 21st century.
GIS moved on and nobody needs a format consisting out of at least three files! No, nobody needs shapefiles, not even for the sake of an exchange format. Folks, use GeoPackage to exchange data with other GIS!
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11 Replies
Regular Contributor

Has this been solved,   I am having the same issue.

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Esri Contributor

Do you have the Mapping and Charting extension also installed? 


Laurene Koman

ArcGIS Install Team

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