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Trial installation license expiring, deauthorizing and clearing profile to get ready for a clean installation

02-07-2016 07:50 AM

Trial installation license expiring, deauthorizing and clearing profile to get ready for a clean installation

These steps should be helpful for anyone needing to clear profile and deauthorize

Reset your ArcGIS for Desktop user profile

  1. Save your data and any tools or customizations that are saved in
    C:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\ArcGIS (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS)
    %APPDATA%\ESRI\Desktop10.2  (%APPDATA%\ESRI\Desktop10.2) (or whatever version)
  2. Delete
    C:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\ArcGIS (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS)
    Delete C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.2 
  3. Run "regedit" and delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ESRI key for any login accounts

Purge the old EVA authorization fulfillments

(Authorized licenses from "Trusted Storage")

So pretty simple to clear out the expiring 10.3 authorization. And, you may find that the "new" authorization code you needed to use for the 10.1 role back is still valid--just activate it and use it to Authorize 10.1 for the year.

1. First take a look in the FlexNet Publisher Trusted Storage cache,

open Windows explorer and navigate to C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet

2. Review the listed tsf files in  cache--should have just one set for ArcGIS [, tsf.data_backup.001, and possibly an event log].

Once you have deauthorized them, any remaining ArcGIS files in the cache can be deleted

3. Open a command window "Run as Administrator" and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common\ArcGIS

4. issue the command:

  1. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe" -return all /s

Note: this can also probably be done from the ArcGIS Administrator -> Support Operations -> Deauthorize;

Folks who are hung up should see KB 39230​ and KB 38656

5. back in Windows explorer, check the Trusted Storage cache folder--the ARCGIS files should be gone, any leftovers can be deleted. But, be careful as other programs record FlexNet Publisher licensing here as well--e.g. Adobe, Autodesk, etc.

6. open Windows explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher.

review the file fnp_registrations.xml file in a text editor; the Publisher and Product stanzas for Esri and ArcGIS should still be present--leave them alone. They'll have to be added back otherwise.  They'll look like this, and there can be other FlexNet publishers and products.


7.  Register the new student EVA123456789 code, to activate it against to your personal Esri ID at this link:

8.  Download the version of the installer you prefer, or your course work requires. Install ArcGIS as normally:

Desktop first. Then Data Interoperability, and optionally  64-bit Background Geoprocessing and Tutorial if preferred.

9. Run ArcGIS Administrator from the Start menu for the ArcGIS Desktop installation (or run at the end of the Desktop install)

Either way, run the Desktop -> Authorize Now... wizard and use the new activated Authorization number.


This document was generated from the following discussion: Trial installation license expiring - New Student License Issue

Version history
Last update:
‎12-12-2021 03:37 AM
Updated by: