The data projection system is GCS_WGS_1984, xy resolution is 0.000000001309672 and tolerance is 0.000000167638064.
If the polygons overlap 1 cm that can't identify the overlap/gap check. Please let us know how to configure.
Hi M D Johnson,
It is not very clear from the description that what type of data, you are using. So please confirm the following :
I tested by creating data with similar specs in File Geodatabase and I am able to find out the overlap by using Polygon sliver check.
Kumar Gaurav
1. The data in File GeoDatabase
2. Data Reviewer version 10.6
If the distance is more it find overlap but very near it is not showing error but in the data most of the cases like this.
Hi M D Johnson,
Can you please provide a small sample of this data to reproduce this issue locally.
Kumar Gaurav
Any update please?
Hi M D Johnson,
I tested with your data using latest ArcMap 10.7.1 and I am getting 1 error with the configuration mentioned in video
Can you please try again using the Maximum Polygon area set to 1 sq meter.
Hi Kumar,
it is working some cases as you suggested but still not catch some polygons but could please provide what basis can define maximum polygon area as 1 sq meter as a parameter. However to cover other overlaps such as crossing/overlap/contain change the definition to Geometry on Geometry with Relation "T********". In the case don't have an option to give maximum polygon area input.
Thanks, Johnson