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Batch Job creation workflow

02-15-2011 05:30 PM
MVP Honored Contributor
What is the best workflow when defining batch jobs?  Mine was create version, create checks, save batch file, but then my checks are still tied to my version, which was really just setup for defining rbj files.  Is there a better way to do this, or is this about right?
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
What is the version of Data Reviewer you are using?

With Data Reviewer 10 onwards Batch Validate automatically picks up the workspace information from the ArcMap Table of Content.

If batch job is created in version A, there is no problem in running that batch job with the data loaded in ArcMap using version B. However Batch Validate also has �??Change Version�?� option in Set Data Source dialog.
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MVP Honored Contributor
Good to know, now if the issue could be resolved where Validate messes with Anno, then this would be the easiest path to switch connections.
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