ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1: Duplication validation attribute rules fails to identify errors while topology does,
In the screenshots below, I compared between the validation attribute rules and topology when applying the “duplication”.
For the same feature class (attached), the duplication validation attribute rule fails to identify some errors while topology does identify all
What could be the issue here? is this bug?
The Duplicate Feature check and the Must Not Overlap topology rule are used to detect completely different error scenarios and their results cannot be compared.
Could you clarify your goal in comparing these two workflows?
As per the screenshot below, line #343 is a duplication for the line #342. Is the duplication validation attribute rule expected to identify this error as there is a physical duplication? If so, then why this rule doesn’t identify this error?
In other words, why the duplication validation attribute rule fails to identify the duplication between line#343 and line#342?
From the Duplicate Feature check doc:
The purpose of the Duplicate Feature check is to find features that contain duplicated geometry and attribute values.
By default, this check compares a feature's geometry and attribute values (in matching/user-editable fields) to determine whether a feature is duplicate. System-maintained fields (i.e. ObjectID, GlobalID, etc) are ignored.
In this example, OID 342 and 343 are not duplicates since they do not have matching StreetNumber values.
Great. Ignoring the attribute fields enables the “duplicate feature” rule to identify all features that are geometrically identical