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Reporting data quality using Attribute Rules and Python in ArcGIS Pro 3.3

07-10-2024 12:52 PM
Esri Contributor
5 2 1,819


In 2021, the Data Reviewer team authored a Python Toolbox that leverages ArcPy and OpenPyXL to generate an Excel data quality report by extracting data from attribute rule errors and feature classes. In the 2024 release of ArcGIS Pro 3.3, this Python script has been updated to account for not only file but also mobile geodatabases and reports data quality metrics for Visual Review Rules, among other additional enhancements. This reporting tool can be leveraged to quickly assess data quality and inform stakeholders or other non-GIS professionals using an easy-to-read table report. 

This blog post explains the updates made to the data quality reporting script and defines key terms used in the report. To learn more about how data is extracted from the feature classes and error layers in your geodatabases, please visit this blog post detailing our methodology. 


Updates to the Data Quality Reporting Script 

The original data quality reporting script was written for the ArcGIS Pro 3.0 release, since then ArcGIS Data Reviewer added new functionalities and, with this update, the stand-alone script and Python Toolbox now incorporates them. A list of the updates and enhancements are as follows: 

  • The reporting script now accepts mobile geodatabases in addition to file geodatabases. 
  • Find Polygons with Holes check is accounted for in the Automated Review Rules error report. 
  • Visual Review errors have been added to the report in a separate worksheet. 
  • Users can choose the level of detail they want to see in the Visual Review report by choosing to hide or display the severity rows. 
  • With the additional .xml file, users of the Python Toolbox can access tool tips for the Data Quality Report tool.

Output from running the Data Quality Report script from the stand-alone script or from the Python Toolbox.Output from running the Data Quality Report script from the stand-alone script or from the Python Toolbox.


Automated Review vs Visual Review in the Data Quality Report

Since Semiautomated Review workflows behave slightly differently from Automated Review workflows, their data quality report is stored separately and uses different metrics to summarize your data. The Visual Review Report tab stores the Semiautomated Review data quality summary while the Automated Check Report stores the Automated Review data quality summary. 

With the evaluation of Attribute Rules, at maximum, each unique rule can flag one error per feature in a feature class. Therefore, the number of errors associated with a unique Attribute Rule cannot exceed the number of features in a feature class. However, when a user commits Visual Review errors in a Semiautomated Review workflow, the errors written are not necessarily associated with a singular feature from a feature class. Errors written using the Browse Features tool can have multiple Browse Features errors written to the same feature, and errors written using the Flag Missing Features tool are not associated with any specific feature from a feature class.

Notice how there are two Browse Features errors written to Feature ObjectID 20 in the USAStates layer. Also, notice how the Feature ObjectID and Feature GlobalID for the Flag Missing Features Error are 0.Notice how there are two Browse Features errors written to Feature ObjectID 20 in the USAStates layer. Also, notice how the Feature ObjectID and Feature GlobalID for the Flag Missing Features Error are 0.


Automated Review Attribute Rules 

Since Automated Review Rules checks are tied to features in a feature class, the Data Quality Report worksheet for Automated Review reports data quality for each check based on the Validation Status field of the feature itself and the Error Status field of the error layers. The Automated Check Report reports the following data quality metrics: 

Column HeaderDescription

Total Validated Features 

The number of features in a feature class that have been evaluated 

  • Have Validation Statuses where there is no validation required (codes 0, 1, 4, and 5).

Total Error Features 

The number of features that are in error for a given Attribute Rule.  

  • Must have Error Statuses of Reviewed or Unacceptable (codes 1 or 6 respectively).  
  • Error features that have Error Statuses of Acceptable, Resolved, or Exception are not included in this count. 

Percentage Accuracy 

(1 - (Total Error Features / Total Number of Features)) x 100

Total Unvalidated Features 

The number of features in a feature class that have not yet been evaluated. 

  • Have Validation Statuses where validation is required (codes 2, 3, 6, and 7).
Percent Unvalidated 

 (Total Unvalidated Features / Total Number of Features) x 100

Does not include records associated with Visual Review errors 


Semi-Automated Review – Visual Review  

Since Visual Review checks are not necessarily tied to a feature in a feature class, the Data Quality Report worksheet for Visual Review reports slightly different metrics for data quality based solely on the Error Status fields from the error layers. The Visual Review Report worksheet reports the following data quality metrics: 

Column Header 


Total Error Records 

The total number of Visual Review error records found. 

Total Errors Unresolved

The total number of errors that have Error Statuses of Reviewed or Unacceptable (codes 1 or 6 respectively). 

Total Errors Resolved 

The total number of errors that have Error Statuses of Resolved, Acceptable, or Exception (codes 2, 4, or 9 respectively). 

Percentage Resolved 


(Total Errors Resolved / Total Error Records) x 100

* Does not include records associated with Attribute Rule errors 


Script Instructions & Download 

The Data Quality Reporting scripts can be downloaded from this blog and run as a Python Toolbox in ArcGIS Pro (DataReviewerDataQuality.pyt) or in the command line interface (CLI) using the stand-alone python script ( The following CLI options are supported when calling the python script: 


-h or --help 


Show this help message and exit 




File location of your geodatabase containing attribute rules (only FGDB and MGDB are currently supported) 




File location to save the data quality report .xlsx file 


-hide {True,False} 


Enter True/False to choose if you would like the severity rows hidden from the Visual Review Rules worksheet 




Enter the name you would like to give the data quality report, otherwise the default format will be used (AttributeRulesReport_MMDDYYYY-TTTTTT) 



List of required and optional inputs in Command Prompt.List of required and optional inputs in Command Prompt.

Python Toolbox UI in ArcGIS Pro 3.3. Note: The tooltips and metadata will not appear for the custom python toolbox Data Quality Report tool unless the DataReviewerDataQualityReport.ReviewerErrorReport.pyt.xml is stored in the same folder as the DataReviewerDataQuality.pyt.Python Toolbox UI in ArcGIS Pro 3.3. Note: The tooltips and metadata will not appear for the custom python toolbox Data Quality Report tool unless the DataReviewerDataQualityReport.ReviewerErrorReport.pyt.xml is stored in the same folder as the DataReviewerDataQuality.pyt.

To learn more about how ArcPy and OpenPyXL were used to write this script please read this blog post detailing our methodology. 

Contents of 

  • – The stand-alone python script.
  • DataReviewerDataQuality.pyt – The Python Toolbox. 
  • DataReviewerDataQualityReport.ReviewerErrorReport.pyt.xml – Contains the metadata and tooltips for the Python Toolbox. Must be stored in the same folder as DataReviewerDataQuality.pyt for tool tips to appear.
About the Author
Bailey Ohlson is a Product Engineer on the Data Reviewer team in the Esri Professional Services R&D Center. In her role, she develops and maintains QA/QC automation scripts, identifies software requirements, defines software test cases, and validates software repairs. Bailey earned a BS in Geology from Texas A&M University and a MA in Geography from the University of Texas at Austin.