Will Ops Dashboard honor arcade expressions? This is an important feature I would love to take advantage of in an Ops Dashboard. I find that the fields are not available for the elements.
Thank you for your question about Arcade expressions in dashboards. The team would like to ask you a few questions to gather more details via the following survey.
Survey will expire Friday, April 12, 2019.
I cannot access the url you provided. I get a bad request error message. I can explain what I am doing.
Thank you
Hi Christina,
Sorry to hear you weren't able to access the survey. It is shared publicly and others have successfully submitted responses, so I'm not sure what went wrong.
Thank you for your explanation. I have recorded it with the other feedback.
This is the Ops Dashboard I made with the NWS Observed Gauges. Once we have the ability to add Arcade, i will add the hydrograph to this app. https://cmccullough2.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/c6bcc341fddd44c0906b244c46a0a749
Hi Christina,
Nice Dashboard app! Thanks for sharing a link! May I promote and share it?
Thank you and yes you may share it. This dashboard is only pointing to one data layer. I may make edits in the future.
FYI, checkout this demo which previews what's coming to ArcGIS Dashboards (beta) in April 2020
Dashboard and Arcade - YouTube
Any idea when the new BETA version will be available?
Hi Pam,
> Any idea when the new BETA version will be available?
The ArcGIS Dashboards Beta is scheduled for release mid-April 2020 timeframe, so very soon.
Hope this helps,