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Survey123 dashboard no live update

04-03-2024 10:31 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello can someone help me please. I have large data and try to create dashboard   but cant make my dashboard live. I export my date to shape file  then zip it and create hosted layer. Using Hosted layers  URL I import the date to map and then create dashboard. I have activated refresh interval and visualisation tab  on content page but  no success. May be when I zip/compress  the dat it become static and dashboard not get live feed? any advise?

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I'm not clear on what you're trying to accomplish but I am going to take a best guess.

If you want your dashboard to reflect updates to data it has to be a hosted layer, not a zip file (if I understood that correctly). The refresh interval option will only reflect current/active data sets not updates to zip folders (that I am aware of).

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks. As I mentioned I have large data collected through the survey123 field application and the only way I can create a hosted layer is to compress the data otherwise it is not working. But if I compress data it becomes static and not fed by fresh date. I tried  both  the refresh interval and visualisation  tab on the content page  but no success

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