I have several layers in polygon form and a point client layer, the aim is to have category selectors using the polygons in order to calculate indices and draw diagrams that present the point data, and to have these results filtered according to a spatial filter in relation to the category selectors, I've finalized the dashboard whith the spatial filter, but in the verification stage I've found that the data produced when the filter is applied is false compared to arcgis. I've found that the problem is the filter mode, I'm using the intersection between the point entities and the polygon entities. I'd like to know if there's any way of changing the spatial filter mode in the dashboard ?
I'm having a similar issue. When making a spatial filter I am getting more outputs than I should. An example below is that I'm trying to filter public parks by which one has a bathroom. Instead of just showing me the one that contains a bathroom, it includes other parks. How do I change the spatial filter to not include the unwanted shape files that do not spatially intersect with the amenity?