Based on the sample data below is it possible to plug the `Category` column in a selector? From the selector, the user can select a variable and based off of that Dashboard will automatically update the Choropleth Map.
I know this is possible in Insights but was wondering if this could be done in Dashboards.
And if that's not possible then is it possible after I first pivot wide the data that is have dedicated columns for each categorical variable `A`, `B` and `C`, the user can pick a categorical variable column and based on selected column, the choropleth map will update accordingly?
Sample data:
Location Category Value
1 A 1
2 A 2
3 A 3
4 A 4
1 B 5
2 B 6
3 B 7
4 B 8
1 C 9
2 C 10
3 C 11
4 C 12
Question | Analyze | Visualize